#!/usr/bin/perl -wanl # USAGE: # $0 polygons.xy [nt] > cfile [3> paraviewfile.vtk] # # ALL TIME STEPS (16 parallel processes): # { echo -n "Run started: "; date; for((i=0; i<=200; i++)); do echo -n "Process $i: "; date; ( ./findplate_xy_gplates.pl Polygons.platepolygons.$i.platepolygons.$i.xy > platemap_$i.dat 2> /dev/null & ) ; while( [ $(ps ux | grep '[f]indplate_xy_gplates' | wc -l) -ge 16 ] ); do sleep 5; done; done; while( [ $(ps ux | grep '[f]indplate_xy_gplates' | wc -l) -gt 0 ] ); do sleep 5; done; echo -n "Run ended: "; date; } | tee findplate.log # # AUTHOR OF THIS SCRIPT: Christoph Moder # ACTUAL ALGORITHM: taken from GPlates (http://gplates.org/), file src/maths/PointInPolygon.cc use constant NT => ( $ARGV[-1] =~ /^[2468]|[1-9][0-9]*[02468]$/ ? pop( @ARGV ) : 256 ); # number of grid subdivisions; default value = 256, or specified as second parameter on command line use constant NR => NT / 2; # number of radial layers, usually NT/2 use constant PI => atan2(0, -1); use constant NORTH => 0; use constant SOUTH => 10000; sub is_point_in_on_out_counter { my @point = @_[0..1]; my $count_north = \$_[2]; my $count_south = \$_[3]; my @polygon = @_[4..$#_]; my $polypoints = scalar( @polygon ); # local tmp vars # using Real lets us use operator== my ($W, $E, $S, $N, $x_lat, $dlon, $lon, $lon1, $lon2); # re-set number of crossings $$count_south = 0; $$count_north = 0; # Compute meridian through P and count all the crossings with # segments of polygon boundary for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#polygon; $i++ ) { @v1 = @{$polygon[$i]}; @v2 = @{$polygon[($i + 1) % $polypoints]}; # Copy the two vertex longitudes # since we need to mess with them $lon1 = $v1[0]; $lon2 = $v2[0]; # delta in lon $dlon = $lon2 - $lon1; # Jumped across Greenwhich going westward or eastward ( ( $dlon > 180.0 ) and $lon2 -= 360.0 ) or ( ( $dlon < -180.0 ) and $lon1 -= 360.0 ); # set lon limits for this segment if ($lon1 <= $lon2) { # segment goes W to E (or N-S) $W = $lon1; $E = $lon2; } else { # segment goes E to W $W = $lon2; $E = $lon1; } # Local copy of plon, adjusted given the segment lon range $lon = $point[0]; # Make sure we rewind way west for starters $lon -= 360.0 while ($lon > $W); # Then make sure we wind to inside the lon range or way east $lon += 360.0 while ($lon < $W); # Not crossing this segment next if ($lon > $E); # to next vertex # Special case of N-S segment: does P lie on it? if ($dlon == 0.0) { if ( $v2[1] < $v1[1] ) { # Get N and S limits for segment $S = $v2[1]; $N = $v1[1]; } else { $N = $v2[1]; $S = $v1[1]; } # P is not on this segment next if ( $point[1] < $S || $point[1] > $N ); # to next vertex # P is on segment boundary; we are done return (1); } # Calculate latitude at intersection $x_lat = $v1[1] + ( ($v2[1] - $v1[1]) / ($lon2 - $lon1) ) * ($lon - $lon1); # P is on S boundary return 1 if ( $x_lat == $point[1] ); # Only allow cutting a vertex at end of a segment # to avoid duplicates next if ($lon == $lon1); # Is cut is north or south of P? ($x_lat > $point[1]) and ++$$count_north or ++$$count_south; } # end of loop over vertices return (0); } sub rad2deg { return ($_[0] * 180 / PI); } sub acos { return atan2( sqrt(1 - $_[0] * $_[0]), $_[0] ); } sub grdgen { my $a = 2 * acos( 1 / (2 * sin( PI / 5 ) ) ); my $lvt = int( 1.45 * log( NT ) ); my @ip = ( -1, 1, 3, 5, -3, 0, 2, 4, -4, -2 ); for( my $diamond = 0; $diamond < $nd; $diamond++ ) { my $sgn = (4.5 - $diamond <=> 0); # upper or lower hemisphere my $phi = $ip[$diamond] * PI / 5; # longitude shift # coordinates of the four corners of the diamond # first corner: pole (e.g. N) # second corner: south east of N pole # third corner: south west of N pole # fourth corner: south of N pole $xg[$diamond][0][0][0] = 0; $xg[$diamond][0][0][1] = 0; $xg[$diamond][0][0][2] = $sgn; $xg[$diamond][NT][0][0] = sin( $a ) * cos( $phi + 2 * PI / 5 ); $xg[$diamond][NT][0][1] = sin( $a ) * sin( $phi + 2 * PI / 5 ); $xg[$diamond][NT][0][2] = cos( $a ) * $sgn; $xg[$diamond][0][NT][0] = sin( $a ) * cos( $phi ); $xg[$diamond][0][NT][1] = sin( $a ) * sin( $phi ); $xg[$diamond][0][NT][2] = cos( $a ) * $sgn; $xg[$diamond][NT][NT][0] = sin( $a ) * cos( $phi + PI / 5 ); $xg[$diamond][NT][NT][1] = sin( $a ) * sin( $phi + PI / 5 ); $xg[$diamond][NT][NT][2] = -cos( $a ) * $sgn; # the diamond is iteratively subdivided # i1 direction: from pole to point xv[1] = row # i2 direction: from pole to point xv[2] = column # diagonal: between xv[1] and xv[2] = horizontal diagonal for( my $k = 0; $k < $lvt; $k++ ) { my $m = 2**$k; my $l = NT / $m; # rows of diamond for( my $j1 = 0; $j1 <= $m; $j1++ ) { for( my $j2 = 0; $j2 < $m; $j2++ ) { my $i1 = $j1 * $l; my $i2 = $j2 * $l + $l / 2; # for x, y, z coordinates: interpolate from previous grid resolution $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][$_] = $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2 - $l / 2][$_] + $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2 + $l / 2][$_] for( 0..2 ); # compute radius of new grid point my $xnorm = 1 / sqrt( $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][0]**2 + $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][1]**2 + $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][2]**2 ); # project back onto sphere $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][$_] *= $xnorm for( 0..2 ); } } # columns of diamond for( my $j1 = 0; $j1 <= $m; $j1++ ) { for( my $j2 = 0; $j2 < $m; $j2++ ) { my $i1 = $j2 * $l + $l / 2; my $i2 = $j1 * $l; # for x, y, z coordinates: interpolate from previous grid resolution $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][$_] = $xg[$diamond][$i1 - $l / 2][$i2][$_] + $xg[$diamond][$i1 + $l / 2][$i2][$_] for( 0..2 ); # compute radius of new grid point my $xnorm = 1 / sqrt( $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][0]**2 + $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][1]**2 + $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][2]**2 ); # project back onto sphere $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][$_] *= $xnorm for( 0..2 ); } } # diagonals of diamond for( my $j1 = 0; $j1 < $m; $j1++ ) { for( my $j2 = 0; $j2 < $m; $j2++ ) { my $i1 = $j1 * $l + $l / 2; my $i2 = $j2 * $l + $l / 2; # for x, y, z coordinates: interpolate from previous grid resolution $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][$_] = $xg[$diamond][$i1 - $l / 2][$i2 + $l / 2][$_] + $xg[$diamond][$i1 + $l / 2][$i2 - $l / 2][$_] for( 0..2 ); # compute radius of new grid point my $xnorm = 1 / sqrt( $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][0]**2 + $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][1]**2 + $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][2]**2 ); # project back onto sphere $xg[$diamond][$i1][$i2][$_] *= $xnorm for( 0..2 ); } } } } } # adjusts the minimum or maximum value if the given value is below or above sub minmax { ( ( $_[2] < $_[0] ) and ( $_[0] = $_[2] ) ) or ( ( $_[2] > $_[1] ) and ( $_[1] = $_[2] ) ); } # read polygons if(/^> /) { # close previous polygons if( defined( $current_plate ) ) { for( (NORTH, SOUTH) ) { if( $polygons{$current_plate + $_}->[-1] ) { $dlon = $polygons{$current_plate + $_}->[-1]->[0] - $polygons{$current_plate + $_}->[0]->[0]; $dlon = abs( 360.0 - abs( $dlon ) ) * (-$dlon <=> 0) if( abs( $dlon ) > 180.0 ); $bbox{$current_plate + $_}->{'lonsum'} += $dlon; } } } # new plate: extract id $current_plate = (/;.+?_(\d{3})_ /)[0]; # behind first semicolon: three digits between underscores, then space for( (NORTH, SOUTH) ) { $bbox{$current_plate + $_}->{'minlat'} = 90; $bbox{$current_plate + $_}->{'maxlat'} = -90; $bbox{$current_plate + $_}->{'minlon'} = 180; $bbox{$current_plate + $_}->{'maxlon'} = -180; $bbox{$current_plate + $_}->{'pole'} = 0; $bbox{$current_plate + $_}->{'lonsum'} = 0; } undef $prev_lon, $prev_lat if( defined( $prev_lon ) ); } # coordinates: store them in array, determine min/max elsif( $#F == 1 ) { my $new_hemisphere = ($F[1] < 0) * SOUTH; # we know that first and last point in the polygon is identical if( defined( $prev_lon ) ) { my $old_hemisphere = ($prev_lat < 0) * SOUTH; $dlon = $prev_lon - $F[0]; $dlon = abs( 360.0 - abs( $dlon ) ) * (-$dlon <=> 0) if( abs( $dlon ) > 180.0 ); # crossed the equator? if( $old_hemisphere != $new_hemisphere ) { # determine longitude of intersection $lon_middle = $prev_lon + $dlon / ($prev_lat - $F[1]) * (-$prev_lat); $lon_middle = abs( 360.0 - abs( $lon_middle ) ) * (-$lon_middle <=> 0) if( abs( $lon_middle ) > 180.0 ); # add point of equator intersection to previous plate push( @{ $polygons{$current_plate + $old_hemisphere} }, [ $lon_middle, 0 ] ); minmax( $bbox{$current_plate + $old_hemisphere}->{'minlat'}, $bbox{$current_plate + $old_hemisphere}->{'maxlat'}, 0 ); minmax( $bbox{$current_plate + $old_hemisphere}->{'minlon'}, $bbox{$current_plate + $old_hemisphere}->{'maxlon'}, $lon_middle ); $dlon = $prev_lon - $lon_middle; $dlon = abs( 360.0 - abs( $dlon ) ) * (-$dlon <=> 0) if( abs( $dlon ) > 180.0 ); $bbox{$current_plate + $old_hemisphere}->{'lonsum'} += $dlon; # add longitude difference of equator segment of following polygon, if polygon of this hemisphere exists if( $polygons{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->[-1] ) { $prev_lon_thisplate = $polygons{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->[-1]->[0]; $dlon = $prev_lon_thisplate - $lon_middle; $dlon = abs( 360.0 - abs( $dlon ) ) * (-$dlon <=> 0) if( abs( $dlon ) > 180.0 ); $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'lonsum'} += $dlon; } # add point of equator intersection to following plate push( @{ $polygons{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere} }, [ $lon_middle, 0 ] ); minmax( $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'minlat'}, $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'maxlat'}, 0 ); minmax( $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'minlon'}, $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'maxlon'}, $lon_middle ); $dlon = $lon_middle - $F[0]; $dlon = abs( 360.0 - abs( $dlon ) ) * (-$dlon <=> 0) if( abs( $dlon ) > 180.0 ); $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'lonsum'} += $dlon; if( not defined( $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'firstpoint'} ) ) { $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'firstpoint'} = [ $lon_middle, 0 ]; } } else { $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'lonsum'} += $dlon; } } push( @{ $polygons{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere} }, [ $F[0], $F[1] ] ); minmax( $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'minlat'}, $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'maxlat'}, $F[1] ); minmax( $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'minlon'}, $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'maxlon'}, $F[0] ); $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'firstpoint'} = [ $F[0], $F[1] ] unless( defined( $bbox{$current_plate + $new_hemisphere}->{'firstpoint'} ) ); $prev_lon = $F[0]; $prev_lat = $F[1]; } END { $point = 0; $plate = 0; $nd = 10; # number of diamonds print STDERR "polygons read"; $numberofgridpoints = (NT + 1)**2 * $nd; # dermine if the platepolygon contains the pole ( abs( abs( $bbox{$_}->{'lonsum'} ) - 360 ) < 1.0e-8 ) and $bbox{$_}->{'pole'} = ( ( abs( $bbox{$_}->{'maxlat'} ) > abs( $bbox{$_}->{'minlat'} ) ) ? ( $bbox{$_}->{'maxlat'} <=> 0 ) : ( $bbox{$_}->{'minlat'} <=> 0 ) ) for ( keys %polygons ); # write TERRA header # first: grid resolution (radial layers, diamond subdivisions) printf( "%5d%5d\n", NR, NT ); # four lines of comment, for the case name print "comment 1"; print "comment 2"; print "comment 3"; print "comment 4"; # radial layer depth printf( "%15.8E%s", 0, ($_ % 10 ? "" : "\n") ) for( 1..(NT / 2 + 1) ); print ""; # property array printf( "%15.8E%s", 0, ($_ % 10 ? "" : "\n") ) for( 1..20 ); # generate grid grdgen(); print STDERR "grid generated"; # open Paraview output, write header open( PARAVIEW, ">&3" ) or open( PARAVIEW, ">", "/dev/null" ); print PARAVIEW "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0"; print PARAVIEW "TERRA plate map"; print PARAVIEW "ASCII"; print PARAVIEW "DATASET POLYDATA"; print PARAVIEW "POINTS $numberofgridpoints float"; # write paraview grid for( my $diamond = 0; $diamond < $nd; $diamond++ ) { for( my $i = 0; $i <= NT; $i++ ) { for( my $j = 0; $j <= NT; $j++ ) { print PARAVIEW "@{$xg[$diamond][$i][$j]}"; } } } # write connectivity print PARAVIEW "POLYGONS " . (10 * NT**2 * 2) . " " . (4 * (10 * NT**2 * 2)); for( my $diamond = 0; $diamond < $nd; $diamond++ ) { for( my $i = 0; $i < NT; $i++ ) { for( my $j = 0; $j < NT; $j++ ) { local $, = " "; my $offset = $diamond * (NT + 1)**2 + $i * (NT + 1) + $j; print PARAVIEW 3, $offset, $offset + 1, $offset + (NT + 1); print PARAVIEW 3, $offset + 1, $offset + (NT + 1) + 1, $offset + (NT + 1); } } } print PARAVIEW "POINT_DATA $numberofgridpoints"; print PARAVIEW "SCALARS plate_id float"; print PARAVIEW "LOOKUP_TABLE default"; # do the actual work: assign plate ids to grid points for( my $diamond = 0; $diamond < $nd; $diamond++ ) { for( my $i = 0; $i <= NT; $i++ ) { for( my $j = 0; $j <= NT; $j++ ) { my $lon = rad2deg( atan2( $xg[$diamond][$i][$j][1], $xg[$diamond][$i][$j][0] ) ); my $length = sqrt( $xg[$diamond][$i][$j][0]**2 + $xg[$diamond][$i][$j][1]**2 ); my $lat = rad2deg( atan2( ( $length ), ( $xg[$diamond][$i][$j][2] ) ) ); $lat += 180 if( $lat < 0 ); $lat = 90 - $lat; $prev_plate = $plate; $plate = 0; # not found # test all plates; first: the one of the previous grid point; then: plates with few polygon points first, so the expensive tests with many polygon points can be avoided if possible for $current_plate ( sort { $a == $prev_plate ? -1 : $b == $prev_plate ? +1 : scalar(@{$polygons{$a}}) <=> scalar(@{$polygons{$b}}) } keys %polygons ) { # Algorithm: # # Case 1: The polygon S contains a geographical pole # a) if P is beyond the far latitude then P is outside # b) Compute meridian through P and count intersections: # odd: P is outside; even: P is inside # # Case 2: S does not contain a pole # a) If P is outside range of latitudes then P is outside # c) Compute meridian through P and count intersections: # odd: P is inside; even: P is outside # # In all cases, we check if P is on the outline of S #counters for the number of crossings of a meridian through p and and the segments of this polygon my $count_north = 0; my $count_south = 0; if( $bbox{$current_plate}->{'pole'} ) { # Case 1 of an enclosed polar cap # N polar cap if( $bbox{$current_plate}->{'pole'} == 1 ) { # South of a N polar cap next if( $lat < $bbox{$current_plate}->{'minlat'} ); # Clearly inside of a N polar cap $plate = $current_plate and last if( $lat > $bbox{$current_plate}->{'maxlat'} ); } # S polar cap if( $bbox{$current_plate}->{'pole'} == -1 ) { # North of a S polar cap next if( $lat > $bbox{$current_plate}->{'maxlat'} ); # North of a S polar cap $plate = $current_plate and last if( $lat < $bbox{$current_plate}->{'minlat'} ); } # Tally up number of intersections between polygon # and meridian through p $plate = $current_plate and last if( is_point_in_on_out_counter( $lon, $lat, $count_north, $count_south, @{$polygons{$current_plate}}) ); # Found P is on S; return (POINT_ON_POLYGON); $plate = $current_plate and last if( $bbox{$current_plate}->{'pole'} == 1 and $count_north % 2 == 0); $plate = $current_plate and last if( $bbox{$current_plate}->{'pole'} == -1 and $count_south % 2 == 0); next; } # Here is Case 2. # First check latitude range next if( $lat < $bbox{$current_plate}->{'minlat'} or $lat > $bbox{$current_plate}->{'maxlat'} ); # Longitudes are tricker and are tested with the tallying of intersections $plate = $current_plate and last if( is_point_in_on_out_counter( $lon, $lat, $count_north, $count_south, @{$polygons{$current_plate}}) ); # Found P is on S; return (POINT_ON_POLYGON); $plate = $current_plate and last if( $count_north % 2 ); # point inside polygon # Nothing triggered the tests; we are outside } $could_use_prev++ if( $plate == $prev_plate ); $plate = $prev_plate unless( $plate ); # use previous plate id if none has been found printf( "%10.3f%s", ($plate < SOUTH ? $plate : $plate - SOUTH), (++$point % 15 ? "" : "\n") ); print PARAVIEW ($plate < SOUTH ? $plate : $plate - SOUTH); # print progress in percent on STDERR print STDERR int($point / $numberofgridpoints * 100 + 0.5) . "%" unless( $point % ($numberofgridpoints / 100) ); } } } print STDERR "efficiency: $could_use_prev of $numberofgridpoints = " . int($could_use_prev * 100 / $numberofgridpoints + 0.5) . "%"; }